Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Neglect & Arrogant Beings

Apparently when January 1st came around a resolution of mine should have been to keep up to date with my blog. My non existing resolution should have also included relax and try really hard to be patient with other people. I think it's a problem when for the most part I'd rather have a conversation with an animal than another person. 
Why is it, that not everyone is like me? This isn't suppose to make me sound like Hitler, but I seriously don't understand what goes through some people's mind, and why they say out loud the things they do. Sometimes, actually quite often I have a "slip of the tongue" and say something without even having thought about it before but its usually random like a fact or response. But if theres a song on the radio and you don't like it... good for you. I don't care that you don't understand what would posses the artist to sing that to the world. If you'd think about the lyrics for five seconds you'd realize it's a metaphor. I don't think anyone has ever said what was Robert Plant talking about, theres no stairway to heaven. Maybe I'm a complainer, but I prefer the title realist. 
Why is it, that because your 16 and wear a hat you can cross the road whenever you want causing 4 cars to quickly (and dangerously cause its winter) halt, and when someone honks the horn to say "you assholes, watch what your doing" you give them the finger. First have some respect and take the responsibility for your actions, you did something wrong and someone with a horn embarrassed you in front of your friends, second thats illegal it's called jaywalking, third have respect for elders (anyone driving was an elder to these boys), and forth... if your that attention deprived, go home smash a plate on the floor and I'm sure your busy mom will come running. 
Same goes for drivers... why are you cutting anyone off, why don't you stop at a pedestrian stop walk, or in a grocery store parking lot, why do you ride my ass for 15km with plenty of chances to pass, either let off or pass... or I will slam on my breaks and cause you to swerve off the road.. It's not just me, I think this is a mutual felling for all drivers, or maybe this post is subconsciously about myself and I am the self-absored one. 
I might be a little negative.. but mostly annoyed and honest.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Town

Though my opinion probably doesn't matter much to most people, The Town is the best movie I've ever seen. It's action, drama, and romance. And though it doesn't seem like a "girl" movie, at least watch it and decide for your self. Ben Affleck wrote, directed, and stars in this movie and that combination really proves how talented he is (to me anyways). I was on the edge of my seat (figuratively) throughout the whole movie wondering whats going to happen next or trying to figure out how they're going to get out of this one. Everything comes together perfectly in this movie making it a great movie just by itself or leaves the possibility for a sequel about Ben Affleck and Rebecca Hall's characters relationship and the (possible) run from the FBI.